
This blog has moved!

Effective immediately, this blog will now be housed at http://www.claymarcom.com/blog Please join us there. We will no longer be updating this site!

What Advertisers Are Saying About Facebook

In June of 2012, we wrote a post about how Facebook advertisers were not seeing a great return on their investment. In August of this year, AdAge surveyed 1,200 people about their thinking regarding Facebook as a marketing channel. The AdAge article summarizing the study seems to put a more positive spin on the results […]

#FiveTipsFriday Five Blog Mistakes To Avoid

If your company is contemplating a jump into social media marketing, beginning with a blog may seem like a sensible first step. Writing a blog post is not done on the fly (hopefully) unlike a tweet or a response to a Facebook post. You are in a more controlled environment. If you want, though we […]

Is There Still A Case For Print?

This post is by Larry Clayman, president of our agency. As we embark on what we affectionately refer to as “the planning season”, that time of year where we start to prepare the marketing recommendations we present to our clients for the following year, I know what we will hear again this year. “Is there […]

Dear Marketers: We’re Forgetting the Young

It was like a punch in the gut, that moment when I was faced with just how much the marketing world has changed just over the short time (about a decade) since I’ve been in the business. You see, back when I first started, we used to receive tons and tons of postcard packs from […]

Kamikaze Marketing 101

This post is by Robert Spore, photographer and creative services We are not “businessmen,” per se. We are in the creative department, which means that we’re a little mad, perhaps, and that our thought process is…maybe a bit skewed. What I’m trying to say is that maybe we have the complete wrong spin on this. […]

Tweeting for Business: A New White Paper

We soft launched this news on our own social media networks last week, but now it’s official. We are excited to announce that we have published a new white paper called Tweeting for Business: A Social Media Starter’s Kit. We wrote this white paper primarily for those of you who are considering using Twitter to […]

Women and Business, 2013 – The Uncracked Glass Ceiling

We recently read an article in Harvard Business Review called Six Paradoxes Women Leaders Face in 2013. The article came on the heels of a conversation I had with some of my friends about the continuing lack of women in the tech world, which in turn was inspired by this article from The Atlantic. To […]

Our Blog Direction for 2013

Today, on this last day of 2012, we thought we would give you a quick preview of what this blog will look like (generally speaking) moving into 2013. We are excited to tell you that we have mapped out the entire year in terms of posts, and we are going to make every effort to […]

Our Ten Recommended Business Book Gifts, 2012

For those of you who celebrate, we are officially just 8 days away from Christmas. For a lot of people, that means it’s really sinking in how many presents you want to give and how little time you have to gather everything! Well, we thought we’d help make your job a little easier. If there’s […]