Archive | May 2012

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Excitement here at Clayman!

We are very happy to announce that our president, Larry Clayman, has been named to the Board of Directors of BPA Worldwide. His term will last 3 years. For as long as our agency has been involved in placing media, we have relied heavily on the services of BPA, which audits the circulation of publications […]

How do you get your news?

We came upon an interesting survey in last week’s AdWeek. The survey, conducted by Emarketer and Pew Research Center, focused in part on how people who own mobile tablets most often get their news. The results might shock you. According to the survey, a whopping 52% of those polled said they still get their news […]

Shocking Proof – Not Everyone is Using Social Media!

We found an interesting infographic via Fast Company today. “Interesting” and “Infographic” aren’t always two words that appear together, but in this case, the message is pretty important. Click on the picture below to view it in larger size. Source: Now, as an advertising agency, we’re not 100% on board with being contrasted with “normal […]

Five Great Ways To Utilize Customer Questions

You’ve probably heard the tales about gold mining in California back in 1849. Boy was that hard work. You had to stand in a river all day panning. Some people even had to use spoons because that’s all they had available. You’d stand there, hunched over the water all day, for as long as you […]

Five Reasons to Bust the Sales and Marketing Silos

A common problem affecting companies today is the massive gap that exists between the marketing and sales departments. Sometimes called “the silo effect” because of how silos keep grain separated from other materials, many companies experience communication and collaboration difficulties between marketing and sales departments. Despite the prevalence of this problem, it is absolutely essential […]

Three Things You Should Know About SEO

Like all segments of the online world, SEO continues to change at a dizzying pace. It seems like everyday there is a new update that requires a ton of reading. Of course, nobody has time to do all of that reading, right? Not only are there business to run and products to create and sell, […]