Archive | February 2013

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Online Ambulance Chasers

Last week, the big story in the world of social media was hacking. First, Burger King’s Twitter account got hacked. Then MTV pretended they got hacked because they wanted some of the PR that Burger King had gotten. Then Jeep’s Twitter account got hacked (really). I’m not really interested in talking about these events specifically, […]

Manage Your Marketing: Trying New Platforms

Ever since social media became a significant part of the marketing picture, there is one thing that we have seen repeatedly – a sense that companies and are feeling overwhelmed at how quickly platforms change, launch, evolve, and die. Since I started blogging and tweeting, I’ve seen Twitter and Facebook change significantly. I’ve seen the […]

#FiveTipsFriday Making Your Marketing Plan

I was telling a friend the other day that when I was still pretty new to the online world, I had a conversation with someone about how they were advising companies to just jump into social media full throttle. I said I didn’t really think that was a good idea. Having a plan and seeing […]

The Problem with Celebrity Endorsements and Influencers

While social media is often pitted against more “traditional” marketing tactics, there is one commonality that tends to reign over all marketers. That is the desire for a big name to support and promote your company or your products. That could mean a well-known company writing you a glowing testimonial, a celebrity endorsing your product, […]

Manage Your Marketing: Ten Ways An Agency Could Help You

Sometimes agencies get the short end of the stick when it comes to reputation. We can be viewed as conniving and egotistical at times, maybe because of shows like AMC’s Mad Men. Some people think agencies charge too much for not doing enough work. Many clients leave agencies because they feel they simply are not […]

#FiveTipsFriday Analyzing a Publication’s Circulation

We’ve talked a lot here about how important it is to research print publications before you place your advertisements in that publication. This research is not just important in terms of evaluating the health of the publication but it’s also important because you want to try to determine if your ad will actually reach the right […]

A Perfect Example of Looking at the Wrong Metrics

As we were scanning through all of the post-Super Bowl articles last week, we came upon this one from AdWeek. The title of the article was, “Frito-Lay Likes the Data from ‘Doritos Crash the Super Bowl.‘” We have never really understood the point of the big bucks spent on Super Bowl advertising because it seems […]

Manage Your Marketing: Why Opens and Impressions Aren’t The End-Game

Imagine the following scenario. You are the owner of a small shop that has big windows on the street side. You do a really good job of displaying your products in that window area, and you notice, as you sit at your register, that a lot of people who pass by stop to look awhile […]

#FiveTipsFriday Start Your E-Newsletter

E-Newsletters can be a powerful tool in your marketing toolbox. Like anything, though, you need to approach your email campaign with planning, some research, and a knowledge of what are considered best practices. There are far more than five tips we could offer you to help you accomplish the ideal e-newsletter campaign, but then we […]

Is Analytics the Silver Bullet Your Company Needs?

Harvard Business Review recently published a report sponsored by SAS (a business analytics software company) called The Evolution of decision Making: How Leading Organizations are Adopting a Data-Driven Culture. As you might expect given the sponsor, the report emphasizes the importance of analytics, but we felt the findings in the report were particularly compelling, and […]