Tag Archive | John Jantsch

Manage Your Marketing: What’s Your Story

The word “story” gets used a lot in the business world today, and it can mean many different things. In almost all scenarios, though, your company’s story can be used as a selling tool if you do things correctly. Today we’re going to talk about different ways you can approach your story and how you […]

#FiveTipsFriday Know Your Referrers

You’re sitting in your office when your phone rings. You pick up, preparing for a cold call from some random IT company or magazine. What you hear on the other end of the line instead is a person who has “heard good things about your business.” They are working on something they’d like you to […]

Our Ten Recommended Business Book Gifts, 2012

For those of you who celebrate, we are officially just 8 days away from Christmas. For a lot of people, that means it’s really sinking in how many presents you want to give and how little time you have to gather everything! Well, we thought we’d help make your job a little easier. If there’s […]

Commitment to Yourself and Your Business – A Series

Author John Jantsch, who has previously published the highly regarded Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine, recently published a new book called The Commitment Engine. Knowing the quality of his work, I was excited to hear that John had a new book available, and John was good enough to send me an advanced copy […]

Leads and Social Media and Referrals, Oh My!

BtoB Magazine reported this past week on a study published by email marketing company Constant Contact. Constant Contact surveyed 1,000 people who are part of Constant Contact’s Small Business Research panel in May 2012 in an effort to find out what’s on their minds. The results were crystal clear. BtoB notes, ” 76% of survey respondents […]