
Always Remember, Your Audience Comes First

Recently, I came upon an article all about how BPA has created a new brand comparison tool. BPA Worldwide verifies audience and media knowledge. Founded in 1931 today the not-for-profit organization audits business and consumer publications throughout the world as well as websites and events. Their new brand report provides media buyers with a report […]

#FiveTipsFriday Five Blog Mistakes To Avoid

If your company is contemplating a jump into social media marketing, beginning with a blog may seem like a sensible first step. Writing a blog post is not done on the fly (hopefully) unlike a tweet or a response to a Facebook post. You are in a more controlled environment. If you want, though we […]

#FiveTipsFriday Blog Etiquette

If you are new to the world of blogging, you may be wondering if some of the things you are doing fall into the category of proper etiquette or not. Like any social situation, whether online or offline, a lot of blogging etiquette is about what you feel most comfortable doing or not doing. However, […]

#FiveTipsFriday Choosing Your Blogging Platform

Last week we offered five tips on how to get a company blog started. Today, we’re going to offer five tips on how to choose what blogging platform you’re going to use. There are a lot of considerations as you make this decision, so this will just be enough to get you started. 1. Decide […]

#FiveTipsFriday Starting Your Business Blog

When talking to companies about starting a blog, we usually are greeted with two questions. The first is, “How are we going to come up with enough content for a blog?” and the second is, “How can we make sure our blog doesn’t end up as yet another abandoned company blog where everyone can see […]

#FiveTipsFriday Getting Ideas for Content

You don’t have to search for very long on Google to find plenty of news articles, blog posts, and videos about the importance of content in today’s business and marketing world. Whether you use phrases like “content marketing” or stick with old stand-bys like “written content” or “storytelling,” the fact is that the written word […]

Twenty Great Muses for a Marketing Blog

As we talk to our clients about blogging, one of the points we try to drive home is that your blog content does not always have to be newly minted content you came up with internally. Often times, there are other stories relevant to your industry that can inspire you to write on timely subjects. […]

How to start your corporate blog

Earlier this week we talked about getting your e-newsletter started. Maybe instead you are thinking about starting a blog. In a lot of ways, beginning a blog can seem more intimidating than an e-newsletter. Emailing has been around for awhile now and the general concept may seem like second nature to you now. Blogging may […]

Five Deadly Marketing Mistakes You Can Avoid With Ease

Whether we like it or not, in the marketing world we always have to be “on.” That means that whenever we try a new platform, whenever a new ad launches, or whenever we start a new campaign, somebody is going to be watching. There is not a “pre-game” that is forgiving of gaffes. In fact, […]

Five Fundamentals for Business Blogging

It can be argued that there are three types of blogs in the online world. The first kind is that in which the blogger is using the blog itself to generate income. This can be done in several ways. Links that lead to purchasable items (affiliate links) and site advertisements are two ways that a […]