Tag Archive | Content

Always Remember, Your Audience Comes First

Recently, I came upon an article all about how BPA has created a new brand comparison tool. BPA Worldwide verifies audience and media knowledge. Founded in 1931 today the not-for-profit organization audits business and consumer publications throughout the world as well as websites and events. Their new brand report provides media buyers with a report […]

The line between an expert and a condescending jerk

In today’s business world, one of the hottest commodities a company can have is to be identified as an expert in their field. Indeed, this categorization is in such high demand that some brands self-identify as experts (or ninjas, or jedis, or wizards, or magicians). Information, content, new perspectives, and deep insights are the new […]

#FiveTipsFriday Getting Ideas for Content

You don’t have to search for very long on Google to find plenty of news articles, blog posts, and videos about the importance of content in today’s business and marketing world. Whether you use phrases like “content marketing” or stick with old stand-bys like “written content” or “storytelling,” the fact is that the written word […]

Twenty Great Muses for a Marketing Blog

As we talk to our clients about blogging, one of the points we try to drive home is that your blog content does not always have to be newly minted content you came up with internally. Often times, there are other stories relevant to your industry that can inspire you to write on timely subjects. […]

Five Great Ways To Utilize Customer Questions

You’ve probably heard the tales about gold mining in California back in 1849. Boy was that hard work. You had to stand in a river all day panning. Some people even had to use spoons because that’s all they had available. You’d stand there, hunched over the water all day, for as long as you […]